Monday, 30 September 2013

6 Word Memoir #8

For this memoir, I chose a natural photo that captured the pure happiness my best friend Anne and I shared when we travelled to Paris in grade 10. It was a trip of a lifetime that I will never forget. This was my first big trip outside of Canada and I got to experience a new and exciting culture. I feel this trip changed me because I realized there was so much of the world I wanted to see and this was just the beginning.

I used the antique filter and handwritten font to make my picture look more artistic because Paris has such a flare. The colour and brightness in this photo remind me of a postcard and make you want to visit Paris. I used this punctuation to make two statements. "Step by step", is in a bigger font and after a pause to state that I am conquering the world one place at a time. Being 17, I am lucky  enough to have travelled to many different beautiful places but it excites me that there is still so much to see and do!

6 Word Memoir #7

This image was taken the day I was born at the Women's Hospital in Winnipeg. My grand mere Tony from Quebec came straight from the airport to see me and hold me in her arms for the first time. She is the only grandparent I have and even though she lives in another province, the bond between us is strong. We love every moment we can be together.

I chose these words to express my feelings that it is important to cherish moments like these and not to take them for granted. I didn't use a filter because this image was perfect on it's own. The moment captured how happy and proud my grandma was to see me. The font I used looks like familiar handwriting which makes me think of home. The colour of the text compliments the beauty of this picture without distracting. The pause in the middle of the sentence puts emphasis on cherishing forever because I feel it is important to always appreciate every little happy moment in life. 

6 Word Memoir #6

This picture is of the biggest role model in my life, my mom. I look up to my mom every day and couldn't imagine life without her. From all her love and support she is the best mom I could ever ask for! This picture was taken on the beach in Florida this past summer. We had raced to see the sunset one evening and just managed to snap a picture at the last bit of the sun going down. 

I chose these words because as I grow older, I see more and more everything my mom has done for me and continues to do for me. I know I am very lucky to be able to look up to her and I wouldn't want anything else but to follow in her footsteps. I used this font because it is simple and pretty just like her! I used my punctuation at the end on the sentence to express my feelings strongly and truthfully. I am so grateful to have my mom in my life and always will be. 

6 Word Memoir #5

For this memoir, I used an image I took on my first night in Paris. I will never forget the moment when we passed the eiffel tower on our boat tour that night. The Eiffel Tower lit up the sky so bright, that it seemed the whole city was covered in it's sparkling light. For me the Eiffel Tower symbolizes the beauty and the "joie de vivre" of the outstanding city of Paris. 

I wrote this on the image because I had never seen something so beautiful light up the entire city. It was absolutely breath taking and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I had never seen anything shine so bright. I put the words " so bright" in a different colour to emphasize my point. The font I used relates to Paris for being artistic and stylish. Again, my punctuation is a bold statement that shows my feelings at this exact moment. 

6 Word Memoir #4

For this six word memoir I have chosen a picture to relate to love. My boyfriend Raul and I met two years ago while he was an exchange student at Sturgeon Heights. Over the years, our friendship has continued to grow whether we're apart or together. This image was taken on his last visit and even though I can't be with him everyday, the distance has not decreased our feelings for one another.

This picture was taken unexpectedly, when Raul snuck up behind me and was able to capture the moment that displays the closeness we share. I used a warm effect with not too much colour because I didn't want to distract from the happiness and warmth that this photo carries. I believe my statement coveys how lucky I feel to have him in my life. I wanted a short and sweet text that shows how happy he makes me. The font I used is similar to my writing therefore I thought it fit my personal memoir.

6 Word Memoir #3

This picture is of my best friend Annie and I when we were six. We have been friends for over 11 years and never go a day without talking. Together, we have created so many memories that I couldn't imagine life without her. You can see from this image how our personalities balance. Annie has always been more enthusiastic and comical in comparison to me who is more shy and reserved. 

This six word memoir is in black and white to show that it is from the past and I didn't want viewers to be distracted by all the colour. Black and white is a simple, classic filter that makes you focus on the important aspects of the photo. I used this text because it looks more like a kids writing therefore relates to the image. I wrote these words with a pause in between to state that I would love to keep Annie in my life forever. I feel the pause makes the forever seem more dramatic and strong. As we continue on in life, I hope that our friendship will continue and the happiness that we felt in this picture will remain. 

6 Word Memoir #2

This picture was taken on Christmas day when I was around three years old. As you can see from my face, I loved Christmas and still love it to this day. This picture reminds me of happy times in my home before my parents were divorced. I always looked forward to Christmas and it was my favourite day with all the presents.

I chose this saying because I believe Christmas is one of the most wonderful times of the year. You see family, friends, play in the snow, eat lots of delicious food and get to open presents. Since this photo is in the past, I put an antique filter to make the photo look older. I also find this filter gives the image an overall warm feeling and that's how Christmas should feel. I used this font because Christmas is always full of decorations and this text is decorative and fancy. I used this simple punctuation again to make a clear statement of my opinion. I don't feel this text needs a break in the middle or an exclamation because the statement says it all for me.

6 Word Memoir #1

When I was younger I really wanted a puppy because being an only child, I hated being alone all the time. For six years around Christmas and my birthday, I would try and hint to my parents that our household needed a Golden Retriever puppy. I tried everything, from bringing it up at dinner, sending my parents emails and make icons on the desktop of our computer to websites with dogs. Luckily when I was eleven, I finally got my wish. Close to my birthday we went on a road trip and I had no clue where we were going. All of a sudden, I had a dozen Golden Retriever puppies around me and my parents told me to pick one! Knowing my parents would give in one day, I already had a name picked out and everything. I named my new puppy Molly and it might be lame to say, but she is one of  my best friends. 

I chose this picture for one of my memoirs because she is sitting on her mat that says Molly. I used the sepia effect because this picture is from the past and this effect makes it look older. I used this text because "Baby Girl" is Molly's nickname. Ever since we got her, she was just so cute it seemed to suit her. Now that she is six, we still call her "Baby Girl" every day. I used this punctuation to make a short statement that got the point across. I think this statement is cute because it shows that I have loved her since the day I got her and never stopped. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Capturing Events-Homecoming Game

For this school year, I am working on capturing Sturgeon Heights events on camera. I am excited about this because it is my last year in high school and I want everyone to be able to keep and share their memories of the 2013/2014 school year. I will be trying to attend as many games and events and keep my blog posted with the highlights. I thought this would be a great way for everyone to stay connected and share this years memories.

The first event I will be showcasing is “The Homecoming Game/Parent-Teacher BBQ”. It was a fantastic turnout and although our team unfortunately lost, they played with all their hearts and made us proud to be Huskies. From the music, prizes, food and spirit it was the best Homecoming Game ever held at Sturgeon Heights. I was lucky enough to capture everyone’s amazing effort and spirit and I can’t wait for the next event!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Reading Survey

When I was younger, I read many books outside of school and always loved being read to. Over time, I have stopped reading as often because I became a lot busier with work and school and it takes me longer to get through a book. Sometimes I struggle to find a book that I really enjoy though. I like reading magazines when I travel or I'm at the beach because they are more appealing to pick up for a quick read. Magazines have always interested me with the variety of articles there are to read and I don’t feel as bad if I can not finish it. Luckily, being in Ms.Mclauchlan’s English classes and having access to her wide arrangement of books has influenced me to start reading more. She has so many choices of books you're bound to find one you'll enjoy!

When I read I like to read true stories whether they're saddening or humorous. I love when I can pick up a book and I'm instantly hooked! A lot of the time I am more interested to read the book if I have heard good things about a book or know about the movie. I’m not too picky about seeing the movie before the book or vice versa but if I read the book first, the movie is more of a reward. Last summer I read the book “The Help”.  I had seen the movie and thought it was so interesting, sad and funny that I had to read it! The hard part for me is being patient with a book because if I get bored, I easily give up. If I’m interested, it’s easier to stay intrigued and finish.

In general, I think reading is important to do because it makes you escape the real world and think. It gives you the chance to exercise different parts of the brain while relaxing at the same time. My favourite kinds of books are romances, comedies and true stories. I always like when there is also a little suspense. I love being able to laugh and be intrigued that you don’t want to stop reading. Sometimes I wish it were a little easier for me to find a book that I’ll really like though. A book is always better when you can relate to it and understand it, which I liked about “Perks of Being a Wallflower” . I read this book last year in English class and I couldn't put it down! I would have to say it is one of my favourite books I have read lately because it was a short read and had everything I like all mixed into one. The key to reading is finding a book you truly love. Not only is my goal to get through a book quicker this year, but I would like to read several books that I will enjoy and be able to recommend to others.

Techno “Do-You"

I have an IPhone with unlimited 3G, which can sometimes be dangerous! I do love my phone though and it helps me stay connected with people everyday, no matter where. My cell phone has helped me stay connected with people across the world and it is very convenient to have especially with the Internet access. With all the amazing things you can do on your phone from take pictures, Instagram, Skype, listen to music and text, smart phones are easily addictive and they can get in the way of everyday life if you don’t use them appropriately. I also have a Mac Book Pro that I bring to school quite often because it's easier and more efficient to use, especially with the great amount of technology based work these days. I don’t have an e-reader because I am happy just having one book on the go with me and I would much rather flip through the pages of an actual book. I haven’t really gotten into Twitter just because I like to avoid most of the drama. If I got twitter I wouldn’t follow many people from school because people are quite dramatic! I like my Instagram and Facebook (and now blogging!). I am happy we started blogs because I have always wanted one but never knew what to write about. I want to take the Creative Communications program at Red River, so anything that will get me writing more will help!