-Created tweets for the characters Samantha Cooper, Malcolm Cooper and Rain Jeperson.
Samantha Cooper @sammiecooper
Can't believe they both just left like that. #mom#dad#goodbye
Malcolm Cooper @malcolmcooper
@sammiecooper Sorry I'm not there already... #betheresoon
Rain Jeperson @rainjeperson
@sammiecooper @malcolmcooper The Inn will never be the same. #theywillbemissed
Malcolm Cooper @malcolmcooper
Never thought I'd be leaving South America for a funeral #notgoodat#goodbyes#orhellos
Samantha Cooper @sammiecooper
@malcolmcooper At least you're finally coming home #wemissedyou
Malcolm Cooper @malcolmcooper
@sammiecooper Not home yet so you can still miss me sis! #cominghome
Malcolm Cooper @malcolmcooper
@sammiecooper Finally landed... Everything's almost too familiar #exceptthenew#arbys#what?!
Samantha Cooper @sammiecooper
@malcolmcooper That's what happens when you're gone for 2 years #finalllyback
Rain Jeperson @rainjeperson
@malcolmcooper Of course that's the first thing you notice #seeyousoon
Malcolm Cooper @malcolmcooper
@sammiecooper @rainjeperson Mixed feelings about coming home #itstimethough#seeyougirlssoon
Malcolm Cooper @malcolmcooper
The Inn smells different #guessimhome
Samantha Cooper @sammiecooper
@malcolmcooper That's because no one's been cooking #sadbuttrue
@malcolmcooper You smell different! #probablybrazil
Malcolm Cooper @malcolmcooper
@rainjeperson Oh you want to play this game now, hey? (I know you like it) #alwaysfresh
Malcolm Cooper @malcolmcooper
Brazil was a lot more scenic...Also a lot less Rain #ironic#takemeback
Rain Jeperson @rainjeperson
Oh you're so funny @malcolmcooper happy to see you too #doof
Samantha Cooper @sammiecooper
@malcolmcooper @rainjeperson Get married already #lovebirds
Samantha Cooper @sammiecooper
SO shocked dad wrote mom letters EVERY WEDNESDAY! #letthediscoveriesbegin#timetoread
Rain Jeperson @rainjeperson
@sammiecooper Now that's what you call true love #soromantic
Malcolm Cooper @malcolmcooper
@sammiecooper Who would have known mom and dad were so cool! An autograph from Elvis and Priscilla! #whatnext?
Samantha Cooper @sammiecooper
Reading letter after letter... "I love you dearly", "Miss you", "Somehow we'll make it"...Jack Cooper #loveletters
Malcolm Cooper @malcolmcooper
Who knew our dad was so romantic! @sammiecooper After all this time! #kingofromance
Rain Jeperson @rainjeperson
@sammiecooper @malcolmcooper Your parents truly loved each other... I hope someone writes me one day. #truelove
Malcolm Cooper @malcolmcooper
When you find out your whole life has been a lie. #thanksalot#icantanymore
Samantha Cooper @sammiecooper
Where are you @malcolmcooper?! Come home! #notthetime
Rain Jeperson @rainjeperson
@sammiecooper Don't worry... I got him #safe
Rain Jeperson @rainjeperson
@sammiecooper Don't worry... I got him #safe